Time flies way too fast … It’s already time to say goodbye to Norfolk, the ODU and our new friends.
After having breakfast in our hotel for the last time, we started driving towards Washington at 10 am. Having some stops planned during our ride, we chose to take another route. Our first stopover took place in Yorktown where we got the chance to visit the store of the American Revolution Museum.
We went on to Tappahannock, the oldest town in Essex County (VA) where we had lunch at NN Burger. Enjoying nice burgers and heavy (but delicious) shakes during relaxing live music … sometimes that’s all you need, isn’t it? We continued to the George Washington Birthplace National Monument where we walked down a placid, peaceful trail.

NN Burgers in Tappahannock
Having had one last stop at Starbucks, we arrived at our hotel in Washington at 6 pm (just on time to join the happy hour in the hotel lobby). We came together to discuss all final issues which included dinner (of course), blog posts, finances etc.
Afterwards we headed to Alexandria where we had dinner at Bugsy’s Pizza Restaurant. Mr. Herzog was the one who suggested going there and in fact we’re so glad he did. We ordered deep dish pizza which was incredibly tasty. Just take a look at that mass of cheese they put on it … Definitely a great way to spend that last evening we had together.
Due to the fact that we’ve all been pretty exhausted we decided to make our way back to the hotel.
Turned out to be more difficult than we expected … at least for one group because we lost our way. (But we’re convinced that Mr. Herzog planned to do that involuntary night tour bc he didn’t want to go to bed yet.) But it was worth it! Thanks to Mr. Herzog for this spontaneous night ride!
Tomorrow, almost all of us will fly back home. It was a pleasure with you guys! Thanks for the past two weeks we got to spend with you!
… written by Celine Enners & Justine Barte